Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Roll on

Days roll on here, running between assignments, presentations, and classes we now atleast are experts of sleeping between classes and each one of us can vouch on the utility of power naps :)
Well, sleep deprived zombies need atleast something.

Courses, well are usual, statistics, marketing, QM, economics.  The point of difference, I believe is the course in STI, i.e. Social Transformation in India; The course is taken by Professor Matthew and its absolutely delightful 75 mins class that I attend here. probably delightful should not be the word as it deals with some of the most horrifying, hypocratic human behavior. Its a thought provoking class and i think that leaving unanswered loose ends for people to decide for themselves is the best way to take it. 

Talking about gender differences in society today actually made me realise i am living here, and such subtle oppression is all around me engulfing and burdening me and i am so used to it that i take it as a way of life now. Conditioned that way, is the answer i think.

I would love to read some of the stuff he talks about, am just trying to find it. What irritates me is the stupid behavior of the guys in class, but Zubin says thats my perception (after the OB class) :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

This blog is to be an informal chronicle of times at K. I have started this blog on a Friday night at 2:30 in the morning which is technically a Saturday. Now after having taken the plunge i wonder where and how will i get time to actually post something here?? I dont really want this to be a 3 entry blog and empty thereafter. Afetr getting 4 hour of average sleep in last 1 week, i am now ready to just sleep. And yes, did i tell you i got free early today, its just 2:30 am now. I feel too tired to write much now, but let me say that this is am awesome place and a dream land, once you are here we forget that there is a world out side, that other ppl are also there on planet earth.