Friday, April 17, 2009

Trendy Indians

Ya we are a country of followers, of adopters and a country that goes with trend. Don’t believe me, just look at the way we adopted the “juta pheko syndrome” every  Ramesh Suresh and Dinesh here is ready with his shoe. And why not, when we are given an instant celebrity status, grants and prices from opposition party  and the only thing that’s Not given is punishment.  The result? here we have 2 billion people ready with with broken chappals, to throw at our esteemed netas.

 I am not a fan of Indian Politicians ,but just what does these incidents say about us as a society? India the land of  religion, respect and democracy has people inclined to do such acts. Is this the only channel left for the expression of our discontent. And does the media attention given to these incidents warranted from any angle. The breaking news that we get and the utter indifference in terms of the moral/social implications shown towards the event should also be noted. Only the selling value is what the media  cares for. Can noone see that the reinforcements for these actions come from how the society reacts towards them. When we see only the news and no critisism of these events on any public forums what does a person looking for cheap publicity a little fun and some anger do? Also the way the other parties react towards these incidents and no legal action ..

And I left this mid-way and have no inclination to write any thing more. But leaving all this aside, nowadays when i watch news I do thank God that I am born in India and not in Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. 

I am totally horrified at what is happening in Swat and Taliban. It requires an article with some more thought, and with a hectic weekend plan in about 5 hrs, its difficult to write. So, will try to do so later. BTW the keyword is try.

Anyways I recieved a really wonderful gift on my birthday, kinda made my day. Recieved one last night too, that laid a good foundation. Thankyou God for everyone in my life, I am happy and thankful for all I have. :)


A.B Harris said...

That is a wonderful piece of writing.So are the previous ones too.Dont stop.Let the wind flow naturally and take its own course.
Happy Birthday!

Dipti Malik said...

I totally agree with what you have written but these incidents have actually made people like Narendra Modi a little afraid of going to the stage and speaking what ever they want to. But I don't think all this was a cheap publicity stunt because all the shooters had valid reasons for doing it and also they know that if the victim wins the election they may hit back real hard. Politicians are not a good breed, specially in India.

Next, you are worried about Pakistan and Afganistan, they are far off lands; I am more worried about India with elections coming and all hooligans on the electoral lists. I shudder to think people like Mayawati, Lalu, Modi or Mulayam Singh being the commander in chief of India and representing India; yes they so much want to be the Prime Minister with zero qualification of any sense and wasted agendas.Whom to vote for ? This is more grave a situation.

Tanu Gupta said...

@DJ Hey thanks...

I really don't think that the fear that people will throw shoes at them will stop our esteemed politicians from doing or saying anything. Check out Narendra Modi's todays speech (arre kab tak Gujraat dangon ke baare mein poochte rahoge? aur koi fasaad nahi hua kya desh mein?)(but its a different matter that there was no audience and he was in a special plane :P

Pakistan and Afghanistan, I'll try and answer all that in a separate post, i know I have been postponing it for long, but its imp, i dont want to write something without thinking (dont expect too much, its managerial way of saying i am too lazy :P)

Dipti Malik said...

Narendra Modi was afraid of a flying shoe coming straight to his face that's why he never spoke those words of the stage, he knows how people feel about it.Everyone knows that Modi had played a large part in those Hindu Muslim riots.

About Pakistan and Afghanistan, yes what ever happens in those two nations will definitely affect first us and then the entire world but for we Indians the most important and difficult task is to elect a good prime minister who can deal well with the changes in the neighbouring states (esp. rising of Taliban) and also changes within our own country (economy and terrorism). Until we have a strong and sensible leader how can we be a strong and sensible nation.
I was shocked to hear about party agendas like:
1)computers hatao agenda
2)english medium schools hatao agenda
3)we will start a war with Pak agenda
Bullshit all of this.
Though I am not following Indian elections, so I don't read about it; but these were such stupid and half-witted stuff that it made into headlines. Where are these people planning to take India years ahead or back to the place where we had started from.
Take your own time and write, I am waiting for your post.