Friday, April 24, 2009

Cheers to Cheer Leaders

"Amar singh is giving a speech in the forgotton small town Rampur"...tell me how many people will go and attend it voluntarily. Now say "Amitabh Bachchan is coming to Rampur in a speech by Amar Singh" Now imagine the scene at the grounds.
A small movie is being produced with an unknown sexy heroine and equally unknown and not-at-all handsome flop material, but it has a item number with Mallika Sherawat...the producer is at least assured of getting his money back.

As a country we accept all this, we are quite comfortable with a hero attending political meeting to gather crowd, which is a matter of importance for the country, we are comfortable with nudity (in a cheap movie, in a song, at least to some extent to satisfy the masses) but we snigger at the cheer-leaders in the cricket matches.

The young, hep modern crowd of India is also so hypocritical. People enjoy looking at them, but never refrain from criticizing the concept of having them on cricket grounds. Hey, they are just like you, people who went in there to cheer their team, just that their way is professional and they get paid for it

Is the reason for us not respecting them the fact that they represent a concept completely foreign to India? We have enough examples of doing/aping the west but not accepting it, or accepting it in a manner of guilty pleasure. 

They are just cheering the team they stand for, cheer leading requires hell lot of work, practice and discipline on the part of those girls. We don't respect their art, rather we never look at it as an art, all we see is the scantily clad girls. We have a long way to go before we can see and perceive the real issue rather than grapple with insignificant details, and this applies to things ranging from cheerleading to moral-policing to Ram-temple in our society. 

The media ridicules them, people crack dirty jokes on them on national television, the radio-broadcasters make snide remarks at those girls and the whole country laughs. again the role of media and public morality comes to question.

I have absolutely no idea about the life those girls have, if its comfortable, if they are being treated respectfully or not, but it requires courage and hard work to do this work and I am very ashamed that my country is treating them this way. 


Dipti Malik said...

I have always liked these girls jumping and cheering matches. Just on seeing them perform during the match makes you realise how much hard work their job requires. Seeing them in 20-20 matches I was very happy that finally India has accepted this way of cheering up, but now after reading your post I am feeling sad and ashamed. How hard it is for Indians to new accept things and why do they see every thing from the eyes of vulgarity ?

eternalmonotony said...

Err..umm.. isnt it just another example of a normal phenomenon of something inherently alien coming into a society, facing ridicule->hostlility->establishing->getting accepted. Outrageous to expect a county of 1 billion Plus to accept "such" an "alien" concept.. (India is not only you and me, its also a billion minus two, each with their own conceptions and ideas in a unique sociocultural context, which we dont have a right to trash because we dont understand/appreciate it)

Yes, no doubt unfair to the poor cheerleaders. But each proffession has its own perils,take it or leave it..lets not get started on the perils of other professions..

Unknown said...

If u ask me bout 10% of d guys in ma hostl watch d matches jst to get a glimpse of d sure cheer ma frnds up !N V Indians hv a real big heart, v accept almst everythin b it a new new comp.virus,a new pandemic,a fashion trend(Polka dots !),a hip slang nething ,v jst welcme it !I wondr if our Ms.Prez Pratibha Patil is thinkin of havin a pet like Obama!Wat will it be ? Mmmm...Dhanno ! ;-)

Tanu Gupta said...

Hari, nothing wrong in what you said, but people like us, the broad minded, liberal, young growing Indians, its us who participate in all those activities, Is there nothing wrong in that?? :(

eternalmonotony said...

Sure is surprising and contemptible if the so called "broad minded" people behave insensibly

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